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Statement of Faith

The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and the basis for our faith. We bond together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ and are committed to sharing the good news of salvation to a lost world. The ordinances of the church are Baptism and Lord’s Supper.

Greetings One and All,
As pastor of the church, I would like to thank God for each member individually and collectively for your dedication and faithfulness in supporting Mount Charity Baptist Church.
I am thankful to each ministry, leader, and administrator for your assistance in the overall program of our church.
I thank God for your attendance in Worship Service, Sunday School, Bible Study, and Christian Educations Workshops.
I thank God for my Godly wife and greatest supporter, Sis. Ruby Ervin.
As a church family, our membership has grown tremendously both spiritually and mentally. We have progressed in building new structures for now and for the future. A church growth is measured by love for God and our fellowman. If there is no love, God is not in the midst. 1st John 4:8(b) Tells us that “God is Love” The most important Growth any church member can achieve is growth in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
When We Grow in Christ
We learn to love all men in spite of, not because of.
We learn to live better morally- because love is our badge of identification.
We learn to forgive-because Jesus forgives us.
It is my prayer that God will continue to lead and guide me as I lead and guide his people.
May God continue to bless us,
Dr. Bennie Ervin, Pastor

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954 Lake Harbour Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157

P. O. Box 562 Ridgeland, MS 39158 

Tel: 601-956-1767  Fax:601-956-1760

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